- in alphabetical order -
Dr. Mohamed Aboalata
Department of Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Ibrahim Akin
Department of Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Rostock School of Medicine
Ewurakua K. Afful
Department of Urology
Campus Lübeck
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Dr. Akhmediev M.M.
Republican Specialized Scientific and
Practical Medical Center of Neurosurgery
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Dr. Jihad Alabdullah
Department of Psychiatry
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Charité Berlin
Dr. Jens U. Albrecht
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Leona S. Alizadeh
Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology
University Hospital Frankfurt
Dr. Silke Altmann
Clinic for Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Medical Department
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dr. Ali Al-Toutonji
II. Med. Clinic
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Oliver Amon
General, Abdominal and Transplant Surgery
Tübingen University Hospital
Dr. Hermann Anhalm
Eye Center Pallas
Olten, Switzerland
Dr. Ella Arensman
National Suicide Reserach Foundation
Cork, Ireland
Esa Aromaa
Vaasa Hospital District and
National Institute for Health and Welfare
Psychiatric Unit of Vaasa Central Hospital
Vaasa, Finland
Prof. Dr. Chantal van Audenhove
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, LUCAS
Leuven, Belgium
Dr. Daniela Aust
Institute of Pathology
University Hospital of the Technical University Dresden
Dr. Klaus Bachfischer
Orthopaedic Centre Weilheim
Ass.Prof. Dr. Marcus Bahra
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
Charité University Hospital Berlin
Campus Virchow
Prof. Dr. Malek Bajbouj
Department of Psychiatry
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Charité Berlin
Dr. Monther Bajbouj
II. Med. Clinic
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. S. Baldus
University Heart Center Hamburg
Department of Cardiology
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Georg Barth
Dermatol. Joint Practice Munich
PD Dr. Peter Bauer
Department of Medical Genetics
University of Tübingen
Dr. Felix von Bechtolsheim
Department for Visceral,
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Technical University Dresden
Dr. Christian-Alexander Behrendt
Department of Vascular Medicine
University Heart and Vascular Center
German Aortic Center Hamburg
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. W. Behrens-Baumann
Clinic for Ophthalmology
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dr. O. Behringer
General, Abdominal and Transplant Surgery
Tübingen University Hospital
Prof. Dr. Claus Belka
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
University Hospital LMU Munich
Dr. Nadine Bellemann
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Dr. Anna Bender
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Dr. Frank Benedix
Clinic for General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Berdel
Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
University of Münster Hospital
Prof. Dr. Mathias Berger
Center for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine
Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Freiburg University Medical Center
Dr. Philipp A. Bergmann
Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery, Burn Unit
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck
Dr. Ina Binse
Department of Nuclear Medicine
University Medical Center Essen
Prof. Dr. Drs. Hubert E. Blum
Department of Medicine II
University Hospital Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr.h.c. Andreas Bockisch
Department of Nuclear Medicine
University Medical Center Essen
Prof. Dr.Dr. h.c. Christoph Bode
Department of Cardiology and Angiology
University Heart Center Freiburg/Bad Krozingen
Dr. Vera von Bodungen
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Michael Böhm
Dept. for Internal Medicine III Cardiology,
Angiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital Saarland
Dr. Tobias Boelling
University Hospital Muenster
Westfaelische Wilhelms University
Prof. Dr. U. Bogdahn
Department of Neurology
University Clinic Regensburg
Dr. Michael Bonin
Department of Medical Genetics
University of Tübingen
Prof. Dr. A. Bräuninger
Department of Pathology
University Hospital of Münster
Dr. A. Brawanski
Department of Neurosurgery
University Clinic Regensburg
Barbara Brunner
Department for Pediatric
Cardiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Dr. Mark Bryant
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Dr. Tymoteusz Budny
Department of Orthopedics
and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Prof. Dr. Thomas Buechner
Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
University of Münster Hospital
Dr. Carolin Bülow
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Dr. Alexander Burges
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospital LMU Munich
Dr. Markus Burkhardt
Clinic for Trauma, Hand and
Reconstructive Surgery
Saarland University Hospital
Ass.Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Burkhart
Clinic for Shoulder Surgery
Bad Neustadt/Saale
Dr. Olivia Chow
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wuerzburg University Medical Center
Dr. L. Conradi
University Heart Center Hamburg
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Eva Coppenrath
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr. James Coyne
Dept of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine, United States
Prof. Dr. Jochen Cremer
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Kiel
Prof. Dr. U. Culemann
Trauma-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery
Saarland University Hospital
Prof. Dr. Robert Dalla Pozza
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Damert
Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
Hildegard Debertin
Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Medicine
Dr. von Haunersches Children's Hospital
University Munich
Prof. Dr. E. Sebastian Debus
Department of Vascular Medicine
University Heart and Vascular Center
German Aortic Center Hamburg
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Christoph Degenhart
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr. Klaus Degitz
Dermatol. Joint Practice Munich
Dr. Timm Denecke
Clinic for Radiology
Campus Virchow - Klinikum Charité Centrum 6
University of Berlin
PD Dr. Darius Dian
Department of Gynecology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr. Marius Distler
Department for Visceral,
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Technical University Dresden
Ass.Prof. Dr. Nina Ditsch
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Torsten Doenst
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Dr. med. dent. Hendrik Doering
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen
Prof. Dr. Marzena Dominiak
Department of Dental Surgery
Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Prof. Dr. Dr. F.G. Draenert
Clinic for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Marburg
Dr. Martin Dreyling
Medical Clinic III
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Andreas Dufke
Department of Medical Genetics
University of Tübingen
Ass.Prof. Dr. Yvonne Dzierma
Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
Saarland University Medical Center
Dr. Karla Maria Eberhardt
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
PD Dr. Walter B. Eichinger
Cardiovascular Surgery
German Heart Centre Munich
Dr. Robert M. Eisele
General, Visceral, Vascular & Pediatric Surgery
University Hospital of Saarland
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger von Eisenhart-Rothe
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University of Munich
Dr. Hosam El-Azab
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Moatasem B. El-Husseiny
Department of Ophthalmology
Saarland University Medical Center
Dr. Hani Eltair
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Iris Ernst
University Hospital Muenster
Westfaelische Wilhelms University
M. Essa
Division of Vascular Surgery
Department of General, Abdominal,
Vascular and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Jochen Fanghaenel
Centre for Dentistry and Orthodontics
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greifswald
Dr. H. Fansa
Clinic for Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgery, Hand Surgery
City Clinics Bielefeld, Klinikum Mitte
Dr. Maximilian von Feilitzsch
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis
Dept. Of Developmental Clinical and Cross-cultural Psychology
Tilburg University
Tilburg, the Netherland
and Trimbos Instituut
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Ass.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fendler
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Essen University Medical Center
Dr. Silvia Fernandez Rodriguez
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Prof. Dr. Hubertus Feußner
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Bernhard R. Fischer
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital of Muenster
Dr. Jochen Fleckenstein
Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
Saarland University Medical Center
Ass.Prof. Dr. Andreas Fottner
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University Hospital Munich
PD Dr. Andreas M. Frank
Neurosurgery Munich
Dr. O. Franzen
University Heart Center
Hamburg Department of Cardiology
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Sabine Frisch
University Hospital Essen
Clinic for Particle Therapy
West German Proton Therapy Center Essen
Prof. Dr. Helmut Friess
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Elisabeth Fröb
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Jena University Hospital
Dr. Thomas Fuchs
Department for Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
University Clinic Muenster
Dr. Sophie Fürst
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Roland Gärtner
Medical Clinic IV
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Dr. Laurens C. Gassel
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Thomas Gawlowski
Diabetes Center Heart and Diabetes
Center North Rhine Westfalia
Ruhr University, Bad Oeynhausen
Prof. Dr. F. Gebhard
Clinic for Trauma, Hand, Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery
Ulm University Hospital
Prof. Dr. Tomasz Gedrange
Department of Orthodontics
Technical University Dresden
Carl Gustav Carus Campus
Dr. Johannes Gehron
Cardiovascular Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Dr. Dirk Geismar
University Hospital Essen
Clinic for Particle Therapy
West German Proton Therapy Center Essen
Dr. Andreas Lutz H. Gerken
Department of Surgery
Mannheim University Medical Center
University of Heidelberg
Dr. Hasan Ghanem
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Dr. Nils Gilbert
Department of Urology
Campus Lübeck
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Prof. Dr. Riccardo E. Giunta
Division of Hand, Plastic
and Aesthetic Surgery,
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Matthias Glanemann
General, Visceral, Vascular & Pediatric Surgery
University Hospital of Saarland
Prof. Dr. Eike Glockmann
Department of Dentistry
University Hospital Jena
Dr. Daniel Gnutzmann
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. M. Gorenflo
Dept. Congenital and Paediatric Cardiology
Heart Centre, Heidelberg University Hospital
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Georg Gosheger
Department of Orthopedics
and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Max Grab
Department of Cardiac Surgery
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Stephan Grabbe
Department of Dermatology
University Medical Center Mainz
Ass.Prof. Dr. Frank Granderath
Department of General and Visceral Surgery
Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre
Hospital Neuwerk Moenchengladbach
Prof. Dr. rer. physiol. Volker Gross
University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences Giessen
Prof. Dr. Anca L. Grosu
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine
University of Freiburg
Dr. Susanne Gruessner
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Hannover Medical School
Wiebke K. Guder
Department of Orthopedics
and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Dr. Alberto Guevara-Alvarez
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Ricardo Gusmão
CEDOC, Departamento de Saúde Mental
Faculdade de Ciências Médicas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Lisboa, Portugal
Dr. K.J. Gutleben
Department of Cardiology Heart and
Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia
Ruhr University Bochum
Prof. Dr. Johannes-Peter Haas
German Center for Pediatric
and Adolescent Rheumatology
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus A. Haas
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Michael Hackl
Department of Trauma
and Orthopaedic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Dr. Renate Häfner
German Center for Pediatric
and Adolescent Rheumatology
Prof. Dr. Alexander Haese
University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hahn
Clinic and Policlinic for Nuclear Medicine
University Clinic Munich
Dr. Friederike Haidl
Department of Urology, Uro-
Oncology, Robot-Assisted and
Specialized Urologic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Prof. Dr. Martin Halle
Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek
Clinic I for Internal Medicine
University of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Zuhir Halloul
Division of Vascular Surgery
Department of General, Abdominal,
Vascular and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Nadia Harbeck
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Jendrik Hardes
Department of Orthopedics
and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Dr. Florian Hartmann
Department of Urology, Uro-
Oncology, Robot-Assisted and
Specialized Urologic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Assistant Prof. Rudolf Hatz
Surgical Clinic
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Peter Hau
Department of Neurology
University Clinic Regensburg
Ass.Prof. Dr. Jörg Hausdorf
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University Hospital Munich
Dr. Andreas Hecker
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Dr. Matthias Hecker
Medical Clinic II
University Hospital of Giessen
Dr. Maximilian von Heesen
General, Visceral, Vascular & Pediatric Surgery
University Hospital of Saarland
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hegerl
Department of Psychiatry
University Hospital Leipzig
Dr. Franziska Heidemann
Department of Vascular Medicine
University Heart and Vascular Center
German Aortic Center Hamburg
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Axel Heidenreich
Department of Urology, Uro-
Oncology, Robot-Assisted and
Specialized Urologic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Prof. Dr. W. Heindel
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
University Hospital of Münster
Dr. Beatrice Heineking
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Dr. J. Heintze
Department of Cardiology Heart and
Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia
Ruhr University Bochum
Dr. Ahmed Helal
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich;
Orthopaedic Surgery,
Tanta University, Egypt
Prof. Dr. Thomas Helmberger
Hospital for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
University Clinic Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck
Dr. Marc Hermes
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Ass.Prof. Dr. Daniel Herr
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wuerzburg University Medical Center
Prof. Dr. Ken Herrmann
Department of Nuclear Medicine
University Medical Center Essen
Dr. Hermann Hertel
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Hannover Medical School
Dr. Linda Hertlein
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospital LMU Munich
Dr. Aimée Herzog
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Prof. Dr. Roland Hetzer
Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin
Dr. M. Heuer
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
West German Tumour Centre
University Hospital Essen
Dr. Isabella Heuser
Department of Psychiatry
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Charité Berlin
Dr. Nils Heyne
General, Abdominal and Transplant Surgery
Tübingen University Hospital
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hickel
Policlinic for Tooth Preservation and Periodontology
Munich University Clinics
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hiddemann
Medical Clinic III
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dipl. inform. med. Olaf Hildebrandt
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Pneumology
Intensive Care and Sleep Medicine
University Hospital Marburg
Prof. Dr. Peter Hillemanns
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Hannover Medical School
Dr. M. Hittinger
Department of Clinical Radiology
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Downtown Campus
Dr. Rüdiger Hörbelt
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Dr. Vincent Hofbauer
Department of Orthopedics and
Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Prof. Dr. Georg F. Hoffmann
Department of General Pediatrics
University Childrenís Hospital Heidelberg
Dr. M. Holling
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital of Muenster
Dr. Dr. Henrik Holtmann
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Prof. Dr. Frank G. Holz
University of Bonn
Carina Hopfner
Department for Pediatric
Cardiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Theodor Hopt
Department of General Surgery
University Clinic Freiburg
Prof. Dr. D. Horstkotte
Department of Cardiology Heart and
Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia
Ruhr University Bochum
Dr. Jean Michel Hovsepian
Department of Sports Orthopaedics
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University of Munich
Dr. Boris Hügle
German Center for Pediatric
and Adolescent Rheumatology
Dr. D. Huetzen
Clinic for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Marburg
Dr. Kenji Iino
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Kiel
Dr. Christos Iliopoulos
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University Hospital Erlangen
Prof. Dr. Andreas B. Imhoff
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Ince
Department of Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Rostock School of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Jäger
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Division of Urogynecology
University Hospital of Cologne
Dr. Andre Jakob
Department for Pediatric
Cardiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital, LMU Munich
PD Dr. Tobias Jakobs
Institute for Clinical Radiology
University Clinic Munich
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Janni
Gynecological Clinic
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Prof. Dr. Volkmar Jansson
Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University Hospital Munich
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Joos
Craniofacial Center Muenster
Dr. Ralf Joukhadar
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wuerzburg University Medical Center
Dr. B. Juntermanns
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
West German Tumour Centre
University Hospital Essen
PD Dr. G.M. Kaiser
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
West German Tumour Centre
University Hospital Essen
Prof. Dr. Anselm Kampik
University Clinic Munich
Dr. Ioannis Karampinis
Department of Surgery
Mannheim University Medical Center
University of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Kariev G.M.
Republican Specialized Scientific and
Practical Medical Center of Neurosurgery
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Kauczor
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
PD Dr. Werner K.H. Kauer
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Tobias Keck
Department of General Surgery
University Clinic Freiburg
Dr. Sebastian Kerzel
Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Allergy
University Children’s Hospital, Regensburg
Dr. R. Khoramnia
Department of Ophthalmology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Joachim Kienast
Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
University of Münster Hospital
Prof. Dr. Peter Kienle
Department of Surgery
Mannheim University Medical Center
University of Heidelberg
Dr. Stanley Kirana
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westfalia
Ruhr University Bad Oeynhausen
Dr. Johanna Kirchberg
Department of Visceral,
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Technische Universität Dresden
Dr. Stephan Kische
Department of Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Rostock School of Medicine
Dr. Benjamin Kläsner
Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
Klinikum Bogenhausen
Städtisches Klinikum München
Ass.Prof. Dr. Joerg Kleeff
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Bettina Kleis-Fischer
Department of Dermatology
University Medical Center Mainz
Dr. Barbara Klink
Institute of Clinical Genetics
University Hospital of the Technical University Dresden
Prof. Dr. Werner Knopp
Trauma-, Hand- and Recontructive Surgery
Saarland University Hospital
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Koehler
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Pneumology
Intensive Care and Sleep Medicine
University Hospital Marburg
Prof. Dr. Tilo Kölbel
Department of Vascular Medicine
University Heart and Vascular Center
German Aortic Center Hamburg
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. O. Koelbl
Department of Radiotherapy
University Clinic Regensburg
Dr. Alexander König
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Alfred Koenigsrainer
Department of General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Tuebingen
Ass.Prof. Dr. Andreas Körber
Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology
Essen-Duisburg University Hospital
Prof. Dr. Berthold Koletzko
Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Medicine
Dr. von Haunersches Children's Hospital
University Munich
Prof. Dr. Maria Kopp
Semmelweis University Budapest
Institute of Behavioural Science
Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. Johannes Kornhuber
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Erlangen
Dr. Nikolas Kortes
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Dr. Bernd Kost
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospital LMU Munich
PD Dr. Stefan Krämer
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Breast Center
University Hospital of Cologne
Ass.Prof. Dr. Mario W. Kramer
Department of Urology
Campus Lübeck
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Dr. Michael Kramer
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Tübingen
Dr. rer.nat. Paul-Heinz Kramer
University Hospital Essen
Clinic for Particle Therapy
West German Proton Therapy Center Essen
Dr. Heinz Kriegbaum
Research and Development
Cytonet GmbH & Co KG
Dr. Manuela Krumrey-Langkammerer
German Center for Pediatric
and Adolescent Rheumatology
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Kubein-Meesenburg
Centre for Dentistry and Orthodontics
Georg-August University Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Dr. Norbert R. Kübler
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Dr. Markus Küper
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Tübingen
Dr. C. La Fougere
Clinic and Policlinic for Nuclear Medicine
University Clinic Munich
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Lange
Cardiovascular Surgery
German Heart Centre Munich
Dr. Severin Langer
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University of Munich
Dr. Anja Lehner
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Ass.Prof. Dr. Andreas Lenich
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Ulrich Lenze
Department for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität Munich
Dr. Tim Leschinger
Center for Trauma, Hand and Elbow Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Dr. Piotr Lewczuk
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Erlangen
Dr. Jun Li
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery
and Visceral Transplantation
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
PD Dr. Ulrich Linsenmaier
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Lippert
Department of General, Abdominal and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
PD Dr. Ralf Lobmann
Endocrinology and Metabolism
University Medical School of Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Chris-P. Lohmann
Department of Ophthalmology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Joern A. Lohmeyer
Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Intensive Care Burns Unit
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Luebeck
Dr. Julian Lommen
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Dr. Martin Loos
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Eric Lopatta
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Jena University Hospital
PD Dr. Enrique Lopez Haenninen
Clinic for Radiology
Campus Virchow - Klinikum Charité Centrum 6
University of Berlin
Dr. Lucian Lozonschi
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University of Wisconsin
School of Medicine and Public Health
Madison, WI, USA
Prof. Dr. Georg Lutter
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Kiel
Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Rainer Lutz
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen
Dr. Iryna Lytvyniuk
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Dr. Matthias Maak
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Felix Mahfoud
Dept. for Internal Medicine III Cardiology,
Angiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital Saarland
Prof. Dr. Sven Mahner
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Peter Mailaender
Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Intensive Care Burns Unit
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Luebeck
Prof. Dr. Peter Mallmann
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Breast Center
University Hospital of Cologne
Dr. Wolfram Malter
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Breast Center University
Hospital of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Oliver Mann
Department of General, Visceral
and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Daniel Maxien
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr Margaret Maxwell
University of Stirling
NMAHP Research Unit
Department of Nursing and Midwifery
Iris Murdoch Centre
United Kingdom
Dr. Tobias Meile
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Alfons Meindl
Centre for Hereditary Breast Cancer
and Gynaecological Tumour Diseases
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. T. Meinertz
University Heart Center Hamburg
Department of Cardiology
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Alexander Meining
II. Med. Clinic
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Ullrich Meise
Gesellschaft für Psychische Gesundheit –
pro mente tirol
Innsbruck, Austria
Prof. Dr. Axel S. Merseburger
Department of Urology
Campus Lübeck
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
Dr. Jochen Meyburg
Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
University Children’s Hospital Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Carsten H. Meyer
University of Bonn
Prof. Dr. Frank Meyer
Division of Vascular Surgery
Department of General, Abdominal,
Vascular and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Meyer
Craniofacial Center Muenster
Mirzaev A.U.
Republican Specialized Scientific and
Practical Medical Center of Neurosurgery
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Dr. M. Misakandri
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Dr. Nicholas Moellhoff
Division of Hand, Plastic
and Aesthetic Surgery,
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Dr. M. Mohr
Department of Pneumology
University Hospital of Münster
Dr. Theresa Mokry
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Alexandros Moschovas
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Jena University Hospital
Dr. Sarah Moussa
Department of Ophthalmology
Saarland University Medical Center
Prof. Dr. Constantin von zur Mühlen
Department of Cardiology and Angiology
University Heart Center Freiburg/Bad Krozingen
Cornelia Katharina Mueller
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Plastic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Prof. Dr. Lars Peter Müller
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Prof. Dr. Maya Müller
Eye Center Pallas
Olten, Switzerland
Ass.Prof. Dr. Michael Mueller
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Hans Naegerl
Centre for Dentistry and Orthodontics
Georg-August University Göttingen
Prof. Dr. Nagy N. Naguib
Department of Radiology
Ameos Kliniken Halberstadt and
Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology
University Hospital Alexandria, Egypt
Prof. Dr. Björn Nashan
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Visceral Transplantation
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Dr. A. Neff
Clinic for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Marburg
Dr. Felix Nensa
Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology and Neuroradiology
University Hospital Essen
Dr. Sebastian Nestler
Department of Urology
University Medical Center
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Prof. Dr. Peter Neuhaus
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
Charité University Hospital Berlin
Campus Virchow
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. F.-W. Neukam
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University Hospital Erlangen
Dr. Claus Neurohr
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Prof. Dr. Christoph A. Nienaber
Department of Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Rostock School of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Marcus Niewald
Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
Saarland University Medical Center
Dr. Dr. Ulrich Nitsche
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. T. Noder
Department of Interdisciplinary Endoscopy
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Georg Noelker
Department of Cardiology
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia
Ruhr University Bochum
Dr. Markus Nottrott
Department of Orthopedics and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Prof. Dr. Alexander Novotny
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Kai Nowak
Department of Surgery
Mannheim University Medical Center
University of Heidelberg
Dr. Udo Obertacke
Department for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
University Clinic Mannheim
University Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Winfried Padberg
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
PD Dr. Pia Paffenholz
Department of Urology, Uro-
Oncology, Robot-Assisted and
Specialized Urologic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Dr. S. Palkovic
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital of Muenster
Dr. Giuseppe Panuccio
Department of Vascular Medicine
University Heart and Vascular Center
German Aortic Center Hamburg
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Philipp Marius Paprottka
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Dr. Johanna Patika-Zoller
Clinic and Policlinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University Clinic Munich
Prof. Dr. A. Paul
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
West German Tumour Centre
University Hospital Essen
Dr. Montserrat Pazos Escudero
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
University Hospital LMU Munich
Dr. Victor Perez Sola
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Barcelona, Spain
Sarah Peters
University Hospital Essen
Clinic for Particle Therapy
West German Proton Therapy Center Essen
Prof. Dr. David Pfister
Department of Urology, Uro-
Oncology, Robot-Assisted and
Specialized Urologic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Sebastian Pfister
Department of Orthopedics
and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Dr. Steffen Pistorius
Department of Surgery
University Hospital of the Technical University Dresden
Dr. Thorsten Poeppel
Department of Nuclear Medicine
Essen University Medical Center
Prof. Dr. Tim Pohlemann
Trauma-, Hand- and Recontructive Surgery
Saarland University Hospital
Ass.Prof. Dr. Florian Pohlig
Department of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. M. Proescholdt
Department of Neurosurgery
University Clinic Regensburg
Dr. Benjamin Prokein
Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
Saarland University Medical Center
Prof. Dr. Charles Pull
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
Dr. Roger Pycha
Autonome Provinz Bozen-Südtirol
Bozen, Italy
Prof. Dr. Boris Radeleff
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Michael Raschke
Department for Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
University Clinic Muenster
Prof. Dr. Tienush Rassaf
Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine
University Hospital Essen
Dr. Astrid Rauh-Pfeiffer
Metabolic Diseases and Nutritional Medicine
Dr. von Haunersches Children's Hospital
University Munich
PD Dr. Tim C. Rehders
Department of Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Rostock School of Medicine
Dr. H. Reichenspurner
University Heart Center Hamburg
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Tina Reis
Department of Radiation Oncology
University Clinic Mannheim
University Heidelberg
Dr. Thomas Reisch
Department of Psychiatry
University Hospital Bern Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Dr. Maximilian Reiser
Institute for Clinical Radiology
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Jens G. Riedel
General and Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Giessen
Prof. Dr. Dieter Riemann
Center for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine
Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Freiburg University Medical Center
Dr. Christian Ries
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Prof. Dr. Olaf Riess
Department of Medical Genetics
University of Tübingen
Dr. C. Rimkus
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Michaela Rippl
Radiology City Centre
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Ass.Prof. Dr. Christoph Rischpler
Department of Nuclear Medicine
University Hospital Essen
Prof. Dr. Norbert Roeder
Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology
University of Münster Hospital
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rösch
Department of Interdisciplinary Endoscopy
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Ass.Prof. Dr. Nina Rogenhofer
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospital LMU Munich
PD Dr. Robert Rosenberg
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Christian Rübe
Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
Saarland University Medical Center
Dr. Volker Ruppert
Centre for Vascular Medicine
University Clinic Munich
Daniel J. Ruzicka
Cardiovascular Surgery
German Heart Centre Munich
Dr. Mojtaba Sadeghi-Azandaryani
Division of Vascular Surgery Department of Surgery
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Dr. Patrick Sadoghi
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
University Hospital Munich
Campus Großhadern
Dr. Sazali Salleh
Department of Sports Orthopaedics
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University of Munich
Dr. Tim Sandhaus
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Dr. Annette Sappler
General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Prof. Dr. Hans K. Schackert
Department of Surgical Research and
Center for Familial Colorectal Cancer
University Hospital of the Technical University Dresden
Prof. Dr. Dirk Schadendorf
Department of Dermatology
Skin Cancer Center
University Hospital Essen
Dr. Claus Schaefer
Medical Clinic II
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Harald Schatz
Dermatol. Joint Practice Munich
Dr. Christian B. Scheele
Department of Orthopedics and Sports Orthopedics
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Gert Scheerder
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
LUCAS Leuven, Belgium
PD Dr. Markus Scheibel
Department of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Center for Musculosceletal Surgery
Charité University Hospital Berlin
Campus Virchow
Ass.Prof. Dr. Thilo L. Schenck
Hand, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery
University Hospital LMU Munich
Dr. Bernhard Scher
MediCenter am Klinikum Bogenhausen
Städtisches Klinikum München
Dr. H. Scheuerlein
General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Florian Scheufele
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Felix Schier
Pediatric Surgery
University Clinic Mainz
Dr. Christian Schindlbeck
First Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Clinic Munich
Dr. Gerd Schindler
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Karl Andreas Schlegel
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen
Dr. Marcus Schlemmer
Medical Clinic III and Surgical Clinic
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Thomas Schlotmann
PraxisKlinik Dr. Schlotmann & Partner
Dr. Roland Schmid
II. Med. Clinic
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. René Schmidt
Department for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
University Clinic Mannheim
University Heidelberg
Dr. med. dent. Christian Schmitt
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada and
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen
Dr. Anne Schmitz
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Dr. Frank Schneider
Department of Radiation Oncology
University Clinic Mannheim
University Heidelberg
PD Dr. Henrik Schneider
Department of Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Rostock School of Medicine
Prof. Dr. W. Schneider
Clinic for Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Medical Department
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. O. Schober
Department of Nuclear Medicine
University Hospital of Münster
Dr. Mirjam Schönfeld
Centre for Hereditary Breast Cancer
and Gynaecological Tumour Diseases
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
University Hospital LMU Munich
Ass.Prof. Dr. Réné Schramm
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Funda Schuermeyer-Horst
University of Münster
Dr. Jochen Schuld
General, Visceral, Vascular & Pediatric Surgery
University Hospital of Saarland
Ass.Prof. Dr. Ingram Schulze-Neick
Department of Pediatric Cardiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care
University Hospital LMU Munich
Campus Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Stefanie Schulze Schleithoff
University Hospital Essen
Clinic for Particle Therapy
West German Proton Therapy Center Essen
Prof. Dr. Dr. Stefan Schultze-Mosgau
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Plastic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Prof. Dr. Petra-Maria Schumm-Draeger
Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Angiology
Klinikum Bogenhausen
Städtisches Klinikum München
Prof. Dr. Christian Schwentner
Department of Urology
Eberhard-Karls University Tuebingen
Ass.Prof. Dr. Daniel Seehofer
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
Charité University Hospital Berlin
Campus Virchow
Dr. M. Seiffert
University Heart Center Hamburg
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Prof. Dr. Berthold Seitz
Department of Ophthalmology
Saarland University Medical Center
Prof. Dr. U. Settmacher
General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Christina Shawky-Boehme
Pro Vita
Extra Clinical Intensive Care Munich
Dr. Caroline Siemer
German Center for Pediatric
and Adolescent Rheumatology
Prof. Dr. Karl-Dietrich Sievert
Clinic for Urology
University Clinic Tuebingen
Dr. Dr. Daman D. Singh
Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
Merike Sisask
Estonian-Swedish Mental Health
and Suicidology Institute
Tallinn, Estonia
Prof. Dr. rer. physiol. Keywan Sohrabi
University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences Giessen
Prof. Dr. G. Sotiropoulus
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplantation Surgery
West German Tumour Centre
University Hospital Essen
Mareike Spindler
Department of Visceral,
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Technische Universität Dresden
Dr. Simon Spohn
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine
University of Freiburg
Ass.Prof. Dr. Peter Stachon
Department of Cardiology and Angiology
University Heart Center Freiburg/Bad Krozingen
Dr. Sonja Staender
University of Münster
Ass.Prof. Dr. Ulrike Stampfl
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
University Hospital of Heidelberg
Dr. Felix Stang
Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery
Burn Unit
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein,
Campus Lübeck
Dr. Richard Stange
Department for Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
University Clinic Muenster
Prof. Dr. Bernd Steckmeier
Centre for Vascular Medicine
University Clinic Munich
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jakob Steiger
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital Düsseldorf
Ass.Prof. Dr. Arnd Steinbrück
Department of Orthopedics
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University Hospital LMU Munich
Ass.Prof. Dr. Matthias Steinert
Dept. of Cardiothoracic Surgery
University Hospital Jena
Ass.Prof. Dr. Dr. Florian Stelzle
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
University Hospital Erlangen
Prof. Dr. Arnulf Stenzl
Clinic for Urology
University Clinic Tuebingen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Steurer
General, Abdominal and Transplant Surgery
Tübingen University Hospital
Christian Stöß
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. rer.nat. Bernd Stratmann
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westfalia
Ruhr University Bad Oeynhausen
Ass.Prof. Dr. Arne Streitbürger
Department of Orthopedics and Tumor Orthopedics
University Hospital Muenster
Dr. Hanna Strube
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr. Michael Strupp
Neurological Clinic
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. Nazaa Taha Makki
Alkadhymia Teaching Hospital
Baghdad, Irak
Dr. Dhia Talib Hashim Al-Anbaki
Department of General, Abdominal and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg and
Alkadhymia Teaching Hospital Baghdad, Irak
Lothar Taubenheim
Dr. Anja Tengler
Department for Pediatric
Cardiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Dr. Jeerasak Thanaboon
Department of Sports Orthopaedics
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University of Munich
Dr. J. Theisen
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Nikolaus Thierfelder
Department of Cardiac Surgery
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Alisa Thierij
Department for Pediatric
Cardiology and Intensive Care
University Hospital, LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Joachim W. Thüroff
Department of Urology
University Medical Center
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Dr. Peter C. Thuss-Patience
Department of Hematology, Oncology
and Tumorimmunology
Charité University Hospital Berlin
Campus Virchow
Dr. Reinhold Tiling
Clinic and Policlinic for Nuclear Medicine
University Clinic Munich
Prof. Dr. Beate Timmermann
University Hospital Essen
Clinic for Particle Therapy
West German Proton Therapy Center Essen
Dr. Dietlind Tittelbach-Helmrich
Department of General Surgery
University Clinic Freiburg
Dr. Sergei Tokalov
Department of Surgical Research
and Center for Familial Colorectal Cancer
University Hospital of the Technical University Dresden
Prof. Dr. Joerg-Christian Tonn
Neurosurgical Clinic
University Clinic Grosshadern Munich
Dr. G. Tosounidis
Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Saarland University Hospital
Dr. H. Treede
University Heart Center Hamburg
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Dr. Marcus Treitl
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Ass.Prof. Dr. Fabian Trillsch
Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Volker Tronnier
Neurological Surgery
University Hospital Lübeck
Dr. C. Trumm
Department of Clinical Radiology
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Grosshadern Campus
Prof. Dr. D. Tschoepe
Diabetes Center
Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine Westfalia
Ruhr University Bad Oeynhausen
Dr. Theodora Tsimpaki
Department of Dermatology
University Medical Center Mainz
Dr. G.R. Turan
Heart Center Rostock
Dept. of Internal Medicine I
University Hospital Rostock
Jyrki Tuulari
South-Ostrobothnia Hospital District
Psychiatric Clinic of Lapua
Ostrobothnia, Finland
Dr. Michael G. Ulmer
Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Christof Urban
Alpenklinik Santa Maria Oberjoch
Stephan Uschok
Center for Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery
University Medical Center Cologne
Prof. Dr. Airi Värnik
Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute
Tallinn, Estonia
Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Vogl
Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology
University Hospital Frankfurt am Main
Dr. J. Vogt
Department of Cardiology Heart and
Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia
Ruhr University Bochum
Dr. Fatemeh Vorodi
Clinic for Radiation Therapy and Oncology
University Clinic Mannheim
University Heidelberg
Dr. Ina Wagner
Cardiovascular Surgery
German Heart Centre Munich
Dr. Claus-Peter Wallner
Department of Clinical Radiology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Prof. Dr. H. Wassmann
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital of Muenster
Dr. Kilian Wegmann
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
University Hospital Cologne
Dr. Tobias Weissenbacher
Department of Gynecology
University Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University
Dr. phil. nat. Andreas Weissflog
Thora Tech GmbH, Giessen
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weitz
Department for Visceral,
Thoracic and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus
Technical University Dresden
Prof. Dr. Frederik Wenz
Clinic for Radiation Therapy and Oncology
University Clinic Mannheim
University Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Eike T. Wenzel
Plastic Surgery, Hand Surgery
Burn Unit
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein,
Campus Lübeck
Dr. Yuki B. Werner
Department of Interdisciplinary Endoscopy
Department of Gastroenterology
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf
Tina Wessels
Clinic for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
University Clinic Munich
PD Dr. K. Wiebe
Department of Thoracic Surgery
University Hospital of Münster
Prof. Dr. R. Wiewrodt
Department of Pneumology
University Hospital of Münster
Ass.Prof. Dr. Dirk Wilhelm
Department of Surgery
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Normann Willich
University Hospital Muenster
Westfaelische Wilhelms University
Dr. C. Winkler von Mohrenfels
Department of Ophthalmology
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Prof. Dr. Achim Woeckel
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Wuerzburg University Medical Center
Dr. Bernd Wolfarth
Preventive and Rehabilitative Sports Medicine
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Technical University Munich
Dr. Stephanie Wolff
Clinic for General, Visceral and Vascular Surgery
University Hospital Magdeburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Wuerfel
Fertility Centre Munich
Dr. Rachel Würstlein
Breast Centre
Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. N. Willich
Department of Radiotherapy
University Hospital of Münster
Ass.Prof. Dr. Constantinos Zamboglou
Department of Radiation Oncology
Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine
University of Freiburg
Dr. Marty Zdichavsky
Department of General, Visceral
and Transplant Surgery
University Hospital Tübingen
Dr. Christine Zeder-Göß
Centre for Hereditary Breast Cancer
and Gynaecological Tumour Diseases
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
University Hospital LMU Munich
Prof. Dr. Walter Zidek
Med. Clinic IV
Klinikum Charité
University of Berlin
Dr. Stefan Zimmermann
Plastic, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery
Intensive Care Burns Unit
University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Luebeck
Anette Zinn
Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology
University Hospital Frankfurt